Who Was Fibonacci?
Leonardo Pisano Bigollo was born around 1175 AD in Pisa, Italy. Young Fibonacci lived traveled with his father, Guilielmo, to the city of Bugia on the Mediterranean, this is where Fibonacci would spend most of his childhood and his teenage years. His father worked as a customs officer on the docks of the city. Living in Bugia allowed Fibonacci to interact with many merchants and travelers. His conversations and experiences on the docks of Bugia were the basis for his interest in mathematics and the start of a real education. Fibonacci was exposed to Indian numerals, Greek literature and Latin, while living with his father.
When Fibonnaci was about 25 years old, he moved back to Pisa and began his mathematical writings. Fibonacci's work was recognized by Emperor Frederick II and many other scholars. His writings consist of The Book of Calculations, Practica Geometriaem, and Flos. The most regarded work that Fibonacci has accomplished is the Fibonacci Numbers.
Fibonacci died around 1250 AD in Pisa. He dedicated 50 years of his life to math before dying.
Works Cited:
O'Neil, Christopher. "Fibonacci." Fibonacci. Rutgers University, n.d. Web. 09 June 2014.
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